Monday, January 2, 2012

I did it!

I made it through my first White Rock workout! Let me tell you about it: there were 3 others in the class today, all of which have been members for several months. Before class they filled me in on how to record today's workout in my notebook and keep track of my reps and weight so I can track progress. Then, my classmates started breezing through the warm-up written on the board while Rozalin, the trainer took me through it.

Next was the workout. Today was a strength day and although I was a little intimidated by push-ups and pull-ups, it wasn't that bad. I started off on less weight than the others were on, and started with the simplified version of the exercises. I felt challenged, but didn't kill me, but my arms and legs do feel like jell-o and I know I got a good workout. I especially liked that the trainer walked me through everything and was encouraging, so I wasn't left trying to figure out how to do things on my own.

We did a cool down and stretched at the end. But the best part was the post-exercise feeling: the mood boosting energy rush that makes me feel successful, happier, healthier and motivated to eat better after I workout. Stay tuned to read about how sore I am the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you did very well! Much better than I did my first workout!
